Loving life in Colorado

...our story about loving life in Colorado!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 24 Update

I can't believe we're already to week 24! We had another appointment with Dr. Bozeman today. No ultrasound, but we did get to hear his heartbeat. It's so exciting to hear!!! Dr. Bozeman said I'm measuring just right and everything was looking good. I had lost a lot of weight in the first few weeks, but finally had a gain this time. I'm still down about a half pound from where I started, but I'm definitely showing now and Peanut is doing well. We got to talk a little more about the friboid. Chances of pre-term labor are low, but scary if it happens. The only other side effect we really discussed was what he called "excruciating" pain. He explained that both Peanut and the fibroid will continue to grow, and I will eventually run out of room. That's not something I'm looking forward to, but he did say that it won't hurt Peanut and that's really what matters!!! We're hoping for a new ultrasound picture at the next appointment in December. :)

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