Loving life in Colorado

...our story about loving life in Colorado!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the Palmer house. I love decorating for Christmas. Although we got rid of most of our decorations when we moved out here, my parents were nice enough to loan us their small tree and give me all of my ornaments from my childhood (we had a tradition of getting an ornament each year. I have all of them from 1978 through 1996, and then 2003 - 2008). We need to get our ornament for this year and we'll be official.

Joe got some Peanut Christmas pics too. He's definitely starting to run out of room in there! :)


The Palmer Post said...

Oh you look so cute! We will miss you in late December but I know Grammie is ready to see you guys this weekend. Thanks for sharing.


Emily said...

You are so cute!!! I'm so sad we won't see you as soon as we'd thought, but we will surely see you soon. Thanks for posting those pictures! Love,