Loving life in Colorado

...our story about loving life in Colorado!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Long time, no blog

So I've realized that a lot has happened since last time I blogged - 2 1/4 years ago!!! (Note:  I'm trying to fill in some major milestones backwards, so if there's anything posted between Christmas of '09 and now, that means I got a little work in :> ).

Kellan was born 2/24/10, we've been through heart drama, a move, 1st birthdays, and first teeth, first steps and a whole lot more. I've resolved to blog more...but I've done that in the past too. :) Hopefully this time I can at least try to get an entry or two in a quarter, if not a month! Wish me luck!

And I'll try to go backwards and hit the highlights (like Kellan's birth and 1st birthday at least)...I HOPE! :)

There are more recent posts on Kellan's page - just not that recent (5 months old I think).  That site is http://kellanmichaelpalmer.shutterfly.com/pictures and the password is palmers.  Maybe between the two I can keep up...or maybe that will just exacerbate the situation...hmm...

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