On Saturday, June 20th - the day before Father's Day - after 1 1/2 years of trying, incuding 5 months of hard work with our wonderful Reproductive Endrochronologist, Dr. Faber, we found out we were expecting our first little Peanut. Joe was taking Sonya on her morning walk and I couldn't wait until our scheduled Monday test day, so I figured what the heck. The test turned positive while I was brushing my teeth and I went running through the house like a crazy woman, yelling off the balcony trying to track Joe down. I could just barely wait for him to get back home. Sonya thought we had finally really lost it! We took 6 tests over the next three days and still weren't convinced.
This is one of the few pictures we have of the Peanut belly until much later on as our camera died it's final death just after these pictures. This is the day we got our positive test, so just about 6 weeks along.
Later that week we had our last visit with Dr. Faber so that he too could confirm that we were finally expecting. These are the great first shots he got of our little Peanut (and how Peanut got his/her name). Peanut measured in at 0.48 cm and was pretty much right on schedule. Technology is AMAZING!!!

We couldn't be prouder of our Peanut!!